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Playing with Mirrors


About Naturopathy   

What is it?

Naturopathic Medicine is an approach to your health and wellbeing. 

Our consultant take time to listen to your needs, wants and goals.

Your initial consultation lasts up to an hour and half.

We get to the bottom of any imbalances in your nutritional and health statuses.

We will agree a plan to support your health on what we identify.

This is very individual service. No one plan suits everyone. We will include: a Nutritional plan, lifestyle advice and laboratory tests if necessary.

Whether you are generally well or struggling with a health issue we will support your body and emotional needs and give the best chance of feeling good.

FREE initial consultation is a discovery one. Prospective new clients may receive

a free 15 min phone call to discuss whether and how we can help you.

Typically patients will pay for treatment and reclaim the cost through their insurers where we provide the receipts and reports as requested. 

Fern Leaves


Iridology is the study of the patterns on the iris, the coloured part of your eye. The iris is one of the most intricate and fascinating tissue structures in the human body. Iridology can provide information about a person’s health status, as well as the functioning of various organ systems. It is very useful non invasive way of checking your health. Iridology is also very beneficial for those who cannot have MRI or Radiology scans.

Functioning Medicine

Functional medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual’s illness.

Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine

Ayurveda’ means: the Science of Life. As such, Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic system of health and healing that focuses on whole-person care, nature-based remedies, and the power of diet, lifestyle and daily routine to maximize our health, prevent disorder and disease, and correct imbalance.

Ayurveda is the original personalized medicine. It comprises 5,000 years of theory and practice that orient care around the original constitution of the patient and how the patient has qualitatively and quantitatively veered away from their constitutional baseline – resulting in imbalance.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use various psychological and/or physical approaches including such as cupping as well as herbal products to address health problems.


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of

deep-tissue massage.

A  modern version of cupping uses a rubber pump instead of fire to create the vacuum inside the cup. Sometimes therapist may use silicone cups, which they can move from place to place on your skin for a massage-like effect.

Here are 8 scientifically proven benefits of this ancient alternative medicine treatment:

  • Eliminates any weakness in the body

  • Heals rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia

  • Fights against dermatological diseases

  • Aids in preventing liver diseases

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Treats gastrointestinal diseases

  • Helps with the migraines

  • Helps the nervous system


Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive holistic treatment which has been used in many different forms for thousands of years. 

It is a type of therapy which involves applying gentle pressure on certain points on the feet, hands, and ears to help your body function in a better way.

Different parts of the foot correlate with different organs and parts of the body. 

If you have circulatory problems, blood clots, gout, thyroid issues, athlete’s foot or epilepsy, your provider may suggest modifications or adjustments to prevent any unfavorable effects.

And if you’re pregnant, make sure you let your reflexologist know, as some points on your foot are believed to help induce labor.

So, what can you expect during a reflexology appointment?

Most appointments with a reflexologist are around 40 minutes — about 20 minutes spent on each foot. They’ll ask questions about your health, lifestyle and eating habits to help determine where to work on your feet.

You can remain fully clothed but will need to pull your pants up to your knee so the reflexologist can work on your lower leg as well. You’ll either lie down on a massage table or sit in a reclining chair.

Your reflexologist may choose to use a lotion or cream while working on your feet, but it’s not necessary.

Overall, it’s important to know that the research supporting reflexology isn’t strong and that you may receive the same benefits as a traditional foot massage. So, do your homework and talk to your doctor.


Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process. It was developed in the late 1700s in Germany.

Australian Bush Flowers


Bach Essences

The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Edward Bach from 1920-1930s in England. Australian Bush Essences are known for thousands of years to native Aborigines.
The remedies gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred, and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole allowing peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.
The Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets.
The remedies are preserved in grape-based brandy or glycerine and are gluten-free.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is complementary therapy that uses music to improve health.
It has been used for centuries as a healing tool. It is now gaining popularity in modern healthcare.
Studies have shown that music can reduce pain, blood pressure, and heart rate.
It also lowers anxiety, depression levels and improves mood.
It works by stimulating the brain and releasing endorphins, natural painkillers.
Music therapy can be customized to suit individual preferences and needs.
This makes it a versatile and effective technique for the treatment of pain.

Types of Music Therapy offered:
- Listening to music is the most common form of music therapy.

It is easily accessible and needs no prior training.

- Singing: helps to improve breathing and vocal control.

- Playing instruments: is a way of expressing emotions.
Our music therapist can adapt the therapy to the patient's needs and preferences.

Bioptron Hyperlight Therapy

Hyperlight is absorbed by different biomolecules, cells and living tissues improving cell metabolism and triggering specific biological and cellular reactions. The induced biological response is called


BIOPTRON's® patented and unique combination of light features stimulates and accelerates healing and recovery.

Stimulates the natural healing process
Allows precise dosing.

A broad range of wavelengths from 350 to 3400 nm, containing the color range of visible light wavelengths plus a part of the infrared spectrum.
Different light wavelengths penetrate the skin at different depths, activating cells, accelerating local blood circulation and stimulating the regenerative processes.
UV - free. No risk of adverse effects.


BIOPTRON ® Hyperlight Therapy device can treat a wide range of  problems including:

  • Pain management

  • Seasonal affective Disorder (SAD)

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Lowered motivation

  • Anhedonia (inability to feel/perceive happiness)

  • Increased need of sleep

  • Changes in appetite or weight

  • Feeling sluggish or agitated

  • Difficulty to be focused and concentrated

  • Social withdrawal

  • Atopic dermatitis (Eczema)

  • Psoriasis

  • Herpes simplex (cold sores)

  • Superficial bacterial infections

  • Acne vulgaris

  • Mucosal lesions

  • Muscle spasm and contractions
    Desmorrhexis (ligament tear)
    Myorrhexis (muscle tear)
    Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow)


Red light therapy is thought to work by acting on the “power plant” in your body’s cells called mitochondria. With more energy, other cells can do their work more efficiently, doing things like repairing skin, boosting new cell growth and enhancing skin rejuvenation. More specifically, certain cells absorb light wavelengths and are stimulated to work.

Red light therapy may work in skin health to:

Stimulate collagen production, which gives skin its structure, strength and elasticity.
Increase fibroblast production, which makes collagen. Collagen is a component of connective tissue that builds skin.
Increase blood circulation to the tissue.
Reduce inflammation in cells.


Red light therapy appears to be safe and isn’t associated with any side effects, at least, if used short-term and as directed. This therapy isn’t toxic, not invasive and not as harsh as some topical skin treatments. Unlike the cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or tanning booths, RLT doesn’t use this type of light.


Evergreen Harmony

Leopold Street

E3 4LD London, UK

Appointments by arrangement only

Consultations are available:

  • in person 

  • by telephone (UK only) or

  • online (UK and Worldwide) via: Skype, Zoom or Signal

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